Saturday 9th May
Technique Classes this week are on Weightlifting on Thurs & Sat
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10-20-30-40 Push-ups
50x alt Lunges (forward or walking) between each set
*start with lunges
go straight into next AMRAP
5-10-15-20 Push-ups
30x alt Lunges (forward or walking) between each set
*start with lunges
rest 2 min, then straight into next AMRAP
The two 12 min AMRAP are going to be hard especially after yesterday’s Wod . For the lunges and press ups you should be aiming to get into the 40 press ups . You can always scale down to your knees to keep the volume or scale to 5-10-15-20 . If you make it through all of that good job . You would then go back to 10press ups . For the Second 12 Min AMRAP you do want to use a bag back rather than reverting to DB or Barbell. You should be looking to get 5-6 rounds . There is no rest between the AMRAP so you are going to have to push hard .
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10x Sit-ups
15x Air Squats
20x STOH with backpack
10x Sit-ups
15x Air Squats
20x STOH with backpack
5x Sit-ups
10x Air Squats
15x STOH with backpack
Inchworm into 4 sec plank
4x Mountain Climbers
4x Push-ups
4x alt arm & leg raises in crawl position
back to plank to stand
then 3 rounds:
3x Burpees
6x Air squats
10x alt lunges