Saturday Home TeamWOD
Metcon (Time)
20 RFT in pairs OR
10 RFT solo – rest 1 min between rounds
30x Double Unders / 60 SIngles
10x Deadlifts heavy object
10 RFT solo – rest 1 min between rounds
30x Double Unders / 60 SIngles
10x Deadlifts heavy object
Those going solo take 60sec rest between rounds. There are 10 rounds each. You are aiming to complete each round under a min. If the rope is stealing intensity from you by tripping you up (entirely the ropes fault) go to singles or star jumps.
Adv: aim for sub 15min
Int: sub 18min
Beg: sub 21min
3 rounds
10x toe touches
7x burpees
10x heel drive/side
Skipping drills:
30 singles rest 10sec
30 double attempts rest 20sec
60sec max skips (you choose single or double)