Just one more WOD for the 2012 CrossFit Games Open then CrossFit Glasgow can get back to a well-structured, regular training regime!  For those of the curious nature the next phase of programming is going to continue along the strength route.  Expect to squat.  As the weather improves you can also expect to see a few longer time domain WODs.

Tonight there is Olympic Lifting at 8pm with Ray and Haris, if you haven’t made it before, get it.  The class lasts an hour, costs £6 and is guaranteed to improve your speed, power and understanding of how to drop under a heavy barbell.


10mins power snatch practice, go heavy


Tabata Front Squat (30-40% 1RM)


For time:

30 strict pull-ups

every time you drop off the bar do 7 high box jump burpees

(scale by using bands, box jumping on every 10 pull-ups or levitating)