BUY IN: Output 1200/800kg of power clean. (Select your own weight).
Then complete…
5 rounds of:
5 Shoulder-to-overhead 60/40kg
7 Front squats 60/40kg
9 Toes-to-bar
CASH OUT: Output 1200/800kg of power clean.
Example for power output on cleans:
12 x 100kg power clean = 1200kg
30 x 40kg power clean = 1200kg
or, for women:
32 x 25kg power clean = 800kg
Movement Standards
Power clean:
Chosen weight start from the ground, on ‘go’ you can grab the bar.
Bar received on shoulders with elbows in front of the bar. The rep is complete when the hip and knee are fully extended.
Bar starts on shoulders (can go right after the last power clean).
Bar must travel from the shoulder to a position locked out overhead, with hip and knee extended, feet inside shoulders and head neutral.
Front Squat:
Bar starts racked on shoulders (can go right after the last STOH).
Crease of the hip must pass below the knee then return to a full stand, with hip and knee extended.
Must start at a full hang from the bar.
Both feet must touch the bar simultaneously.
Any part of the foot/shoe is acceptable as a contact point with the bar.