Workout of the Day

This would have been Monday’s WOD but, Murph. Mondays will feature pressing for the foreseeable future and will allow a progression in all variations of the overhead press built on a foundation of strict pressing and accessory work. Enjoy and get those scores on the big board.

A. 1RM Push Press
B. 8x Rep strict press top set
C. 30-20-10 STOH with weight from B
D. 100x banded tricep extensions



Weightlifting is on this Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 19:30 and Saturday at 08:00

Preschool (10:30), Kids and Teens (11:15) are on this Saturday

Team WOD is on this Saturday at 11:15

Flexibility with Khi is on this Sunday at 10:00

Alex wants to start a Strongperson WOD on Sundays at around 11am. If you are keen let us know