Workout of the Day

15min AMRAP

Farmer’s carry (hug) 120/80

Keg carry 60/35

Medicine Ball Block run

Strongwoman Competition this Sat 5th Oct

This Sat 5th we have a Strongwoman Competition going down at in the gym. The Under 75kg girls are challenging for the Worlds Title. So expect to see some big lifts and epic performances along with some big and epic people from the Strongwoman world. There is also an Open category and separate competition for the Under 63kg girls. CFG have several girls taking part in what is to be, for most of them, their first ever sporting competition. Our girls are Maggie, Jen, Shona, Beth, Alissa, Sarah, Heather and Linda. They would love your support on the day and entry is free. Come down any time from 11am and cheer them on in true CFG style. The comp is likely to be on until around 5pm. And will culminate in the presenting of the incredible Sword trophies. Actual real swords. Amazing.

The gym will have to be closed to normal training and WODs for the whole weekend as on the Sunday we are hosting Kelly Starrett for a Mobility Seminar. If you have never heard of K.Star before then check him out via the internet and his Mobility WOD site.