Workout of the Day

A. Row 500m for time
B. max weight yoke carry
C. 5-5-5 axle bar deadlift (overhand grip)

This weekend there is the Fundamentals being taught, this will not impact on the open gym times but we will be closed by 12 on Sunday.

Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando is almost upon us and spaces are few, we have less than 5 spots remaining for the course, the link can be found by clicking here

New seminar:  We are pleased to announce we will be hosting Kelly Starrett for a CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer Course on October 6th.  If you hope to improve your movement, flexibility and efficiency then there is nobody better to learn from!  The link to the course can be found here

October 5th CrossFit Glasgow will be hosting the World’s Strongest Woman U75 and U63 events!  It is free to spectate and some of our athletes will be taking part so come show your support!