Workout of the Day

A. 1 RM Sumo Deadlift

B. For Time:


Deadlifts 145/96kg

Box Jumps 30/24″

15 Minute Cap


Weightlifting with Colette will be on tomorrow and Thursday at 19.30 – that’s two chances to improve before the weekend.

There will be no Kids or Flexibility classes this weekend as they have finished up until the New Year – keep an eye out for their return.

Today’s WOD is a special throwback to the 2010 CrossFit Games European Regionals competition where Sam Briggs and Mikko Salo battled it out for a games spot alongside Steph and Pamela Campbell and Santino Marini. This photo was taken during the same WOD that day with three of your coaches spectating. We’d already been doing CrossFit for two years by then and this was the first time that we had been to a major competition. Look how far everyone has come.



Christmas Hours

Thursday 24th December: 06.00-13.15

Friday 25th December: Closed

Saturday 26th December: Closed

Sunday 27th December: Closed

Monday 28th December: Normal Operating Hours

Tuesday 29th December: Normal Operating Hours

Wednesday 30th December: Normal Operating Hours

Thursday 31st December: 06.00-13.15

Friday 1st January: Closed

Saturday 2nd January: Closed

Sunday 3rd January: Closed

Monday 4th January: Normal Operating Hours restored