A. every 30s for 10mins:
snatch high pull x2
hang snatch x1
B. 1RM back squat

Post weight to comments.



This is not 170kg… I think it’s 120.

This week sees the return of our weekly classes:

 Olympic Lifting is back on Tuesday night at 8pm.  This class is taught by Ray Cavanagh and assisted by Haris and Colette.  This class is a must for all of those wanting to work on their lifts.  Ray has years of experience as a competitor and a coach.  This class is available to members and non-members and costs just £6 or £10 respectively.

Mobility with Jonny of Physio Effect is on Wednesday at 7.15pm.  Come in and deal with all those niggles and pains from years of squatting, lifting or poor posture to improve performance or improve every day life.  This is a great class to attend to see what Jonny can offer as well as educate yourself in all the little things that can be done to improve range of motion and help prevent injury.  Open to all, members £3, non-members £5.

Thursday: Yoga class with Claire Diver, this is a brand new class and is completely free.  It will run in place of the 06.15 and 18.15 classes at CrossFit Glasgow for this week only.  More information can be found at this link here