Workout of the Day

Team 20min AMRAP:

3 burpee box jump overs

10 deadlifts 100/55

3 burpee box jump overs

200m row

– Scale weight as required.

– Minimum team size of 3.  You do not need to turn up in a team to participate, the teams will be picked by the coaches.

Have a friend who wants to join CFG?  Fundamentals is on the 12th and 13th of July.  Make sure they get in touch with us at

Tuesday 19.15 we have Olympic lifting with Colette Will.  This class is open to everyone, you do not need to be a member to attend, and costs just £3 per person.

Thursday there will be no mobility class.  WODs will run at regular hours.

This week we welcome back Steph and Nisha!  They will resume their regular hours from today!