June already! This week we are operating on limited opening hours for Monday and Tuesday. WODs will be on at 9, 10 and 11am only.
There is no Olympic Lifting for the next 2 weeks, parkour is also cancelled for the time being.
Wednesday 19.15 we are still having Jonny’s mobility session, just £3 for members and non-members are welcome to attend for just £6 a time.
Next Wednesday (13th) Jonny has offered to do a mobility session, free of charge, for all the WODs that day. This is a great opportunity and I urge you not to miss it. It will teach you a lot about mobility and how to take care of yourself as well as give you an opportunity to speak to our in-house physio and book sessions if need be.
As most of you know, Gavin and Laura are getting married on Saturday. The gym will be open for regular WODs that day at 9, 10 and 11. The gym will be closed on Sunday (ie. no team WOD).
If you are in during WOD time, you are doing the WOD.
Fundamentals, please be on time to classes and if you need to cancel, do so well in advance.
A. EMOM 10mins do 3-5 strict chin ups (chest to bar) then 5 strict, narrow press ups
B. For time:
10 to 1 toes to bar
after each round do 3 power snatch ~60-75% of 1RM