Workout of the Day

Unsupervised, but suggested: get together with a group of buddies and give this a go.

For Time:

Run 400m

30x Deadlifts @80/50kg

Run 800m

20x Deadlifts @100/65kg

Run 1200m

10x Deadlifts @120/80kg

A marathon runner can have extraordinary capacity in the domain of cardio vascular enduarance, a powerlifter can have extraordinary capacity in the domain of strength. However, the specific training that they require to deliver this capacity compartmentalises these domains from one another and precludes development outside of their chosen specialisms. When asked to perform a combination of the two domains listed in the WOD above the specialist athlete will lose capacity in both. CrossFit prepares the would be athlete for any physical task without significantly compromising capacity in any single domain.

