Workout of the Day
Bring a Friend Friday (BAFF) will return this week – longer time domain chipper workouts that are infinitely scaleable for big fun for all. These will be counterpositioned against Don’t Bring a Friend Fridays (DBAFF) where it will be something honking or high skill.
Weightlifting is on tonight at 1930 and Saturday at 1000 – this is an excellent yet sadly underused resource – get involved.
Girls WOD will be on this Saturday
Flexibility is on this Sunday at 10am – Khi has some of the best movement patterns in the gym for the 9 foundational movements – learn from the master.
We are now updating all of our member records into a single database – please update yours via the iPad station by the office. Incidentally, you can also use the iPad to select music for your workout rather than just endure ours all the time.