Workout of the Day

A. Every 5mins for 15mins (3 rounds)

Block Run

15 front squats

10 pull-ups

18:15 before & after from last night's WOD

18:15 before & after from last night’s WOD

Tonight there is weightlifting on at 19.15.  This class costs £3 and is ran by Colette Will and Louise Mather.  A WOD also runs at the same time as the weightlifting class.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend this class.

Saturday 11.15 – CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD will run at the same time.  Can everyone else please have their workouts completed prior to the start of these classes.

Saturday is also Nisha’s birthday!  Feel free to buy her cake!

February 20th CrossFit Glasgow will be having a movie night and showing the 2009 CrossFit Games, so bring food, drink and get involved!