Workout of the Day

A. 12min emom – 1 GTOH – increase weight between sets

B. 3x 3min AMRAP

Row 300/250

10 STOH 60/40

max burpees

C. Mobility – coach’s choice

CrossFit Kids is not on this weekend.

Tonight 19.15 there is weightlifting in place of the WOD.  This class costs £3 and is taught by a weightlifting with over 7 years competitive experience.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend this class and if you are a member of CFG and have not been to one of Colette’s class then I can only assume you have similar totals and compete internationally.  All jokes aside, she can help you with these very technical lifts and for such a low price it really is a no-brainer.  Get involved.


Colette at the FFD Throwdown 2014

Colette at the FFD Throwdown 2014