Workout of the Day
A. 8×3 push press against red/orange bands
B. 5 rounds
6 strict pull-ups
12 press-ups
18 kb swings (American) 24/16
Tonight and Thursday 19.15 there is weightlifting. This class costs just £3 and you do not need to be a member of the gym.
Saturday and Sunday – the gym is closed. This is due to a Level 1 seminar. CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD will resume the following week.
Monday 6th – the gym will operate on limited opening hours due to the holiday weekend. Classes will run as normal up until 1.30 and then the gym will close.
Khi will run another flexibility class on Thursday at 18.15. This will run alongside the WOD. This class has been free for the last 3 weeks and has proven to be hugely popular. The classes will now cost £15 a month or £4 a class.