Remember that there will not be a 6.15 WOD this evening as Jonny’s Injury Prevention class will be happening in its place. It’s not too late to sign up for the class if you haven’t already, just let us know! It costs £20 for 4 sessions or £7 per session.

Next week, for 1 week only, Sharon will be offering massage treatments at a discounted rate of £35. As well as relieving muscle tension, tightness and stiffness massage increases your range of movement and flexibility. Most importantly for CrossFitters it helps to reduce the risk of injury or re-injury by keeping your muscle supple and helping to maintain elasticity. If you have any questions or queries regarding treatments or how massage can help you then call Sharon on 07580-459-243 or catch her around the Gym.


3-3-3 back squat
3-3-3 front squat